General Home Learning Activities

Home Learning Activities

Activity 1

Listen to Mr P read the story of Norman the slug with the silly shell on the school website. Can your child

  1. Find a slug or snail in your garden.
  2. Draw a picture of a slug or snail
  3. Make some snail trail writing patterns, zig zags mmmm shapes etc
  4. Make a model snail
  5. Make a model snail from playdough or a box
  6. Write a story or the story

Activity 2

Watch Mr P’s video Flick a football on the website, can your child,

  1. Do the activity the same as Mr P
  2. Draw a football
  3. Design a football kit
  4. Write about your favourite football team or player
  5. Write a list of who you would like to be in your football team
  6. Write numbers for the players in your team.
  7. Make a goal. Count how many goals you get in or how many miss.
  8. Write some adding or taking away sums.
  9. Kick a football in the garden
  10. Do some keepie uppies count how many you can do.

Activity 3

Listen to Mr P read the story “The Gruffalo” on the school website. Can your child,

  1. Pretend to be one of the characters from the story.
  2. Write a script for the story and get your family to act it out.
  3. Move like a Gruffalo, mouse, fox, owl or snake.
  4. Write the story.
  5. Write zig zags for the prickles on the Gruffalo’s back.
  6. Draw a wiggly snake trail.
  7. Draw one of the characters
  8. Make a model of one of the characters.
  9. Draw some prickles and count how many, make 2 groups the same, make groups with more or less, add 2 groups together, divide prickles, multiply etc
  10. Look out your window or in the garden what birds can you see? How many birds can you see?

Activity 4

Listen to Mr P read the story Dear Zoo on the school website. Can your child,

  1. Talk about their favourite animal.
  2. Research their favourite animal.
  3. Write about their favourite animal.
  4. Draw a picture of their favourite animal
  5. Can you make a shadow outside with toy animals? (Put out some white paper and stand an animal in front of it)
  6. Can you measure toy animals, which is the biggest, smallest, sort big and small.
  7. Count how many animals of each sort have you got, write some numbers to record how many you’ve got.
  8. Can you weigh the toy animals, how much do they weigh?
  9. Can you move like a different animal.
  10. Can you think of some describing words for the animals.
  11. Watch the animals being fed at › webcams

Activity 5

Today’s activity is, Operation Help Mum & Dad

Children to help and support parents with jobs around the house:

  • Cooking meals
  • Tidying up afterwards
  • doing the dishes and putting them away in the correct place
  • write a list of all the foods in the fridge / what we need to order from the shops
  • sorting the dirty washing out
  • putting a wash on
  • hanging out the washing
  • hoovering carpets, brushing floors
  • helping to change the beds

Activity 6

Pirate themed

Listen to the story ‘Skullabones Island – Five minutes to bed time’


  1. If you were a pirate what would you wear? Draw a picture and add labels for different things.
  2. Can you write a sentence or two about your pirate character or tell your grown up some describing words for them to write down
  3. Can you make pirate patterns or sea waves on a piece of paper, you could use chalk and black paper if you have it
  4. Visit phonicsplay website (Free this month). Play buried treasure, phase 3. You can choose any sounds to use or your grown up could pick one that you find a bit tricky to challenge you.
  5. Play buried treasure with paper and pens. Write some real and made up words on pieces of paper (or get your grown up to). Can you sort these into two piles/post them into two bowls. Eg light fright (real) dight pight (not real)
  6. Have a look through a pretend telescope out of the window, what can you see, what is the weather like? Make a list or draw a picture of what you see.
  7. Play Pirate stepping stones. You need a dice, 6 cushions and pen and paper (numbers written on- use numbers your child is practising). How to play: 1. Put the cushions in a line, pop the paper numbers next to each cushion (single digit or teens numbers or even a calculation). One cushion, one digit card. 2. Explain that they need to take it in turns to roll the dice and then jump along the cushion stepping stones. 3. When they land on whichever number cushion matches to dots on the dice, they ‘win’ that number by reading it. They pop it in their pile. 4. Keep taking it in turns until someone has collected all six of their items and has ‘won’ 5. Play until everyone has completed their pile. (If you don’t have a dice just shout out a random number to 6)
  8. Find another pirate book you might have a home and share it with someone in your house. What does the front cover tell you? Read the book then talk about what the characters were like (if fiction book).
  9. Make a pirate obstacle course in your house or garden.
  10. Draw a pirate treasure map- draw, colour, paint, chalk.
  11. Make a delicious pirate stew- water, mud, sticks, leaves, or coloured water and bubbles.
  12. Make some pirate treasure and role play being a pirate.

 Activity 7

Design your own Easter Egg (Link below to print off different templates)


Can your child

  1. Identify the different colours they have used
  2. Use different shapes within their design and identify what the shapes are
  3. With adult supervision or help cut around their Easter egg  
  4. Make their picture into a card for someone special at Easter time
  5. Tell you their favourite Easter Egg
  6. Identify the season of Easter
  7. Research the story of Easter
  8. Make some delicious Easy Easter Nests or something even more delicious (link below for recipes)
  9. With other family members take part in an egg and spoon race. Can they beat you
  10. Write a poem about Easter and search Easy Easter Nests   



Make your own musical instrument around the house


Can your child

  1. Think of an instrument they want to make
  2. Use a number of recyclable materials to make the instrument
  3. Talk about the sounds they want their instrument to make
  4. Take a picture of their finished musical instrument
  5. Write a label for their instrument and instruction on how to play it
  6. Make up a song to sing whilst they play their instrument
  7. How many different sounds can it make
  8. Can they play a high note and a low note. How about a long and short note
  9. With a grown ups help video call a family member or friend and play their musical instrument to them
  10. If they have a sibling get your child to help them make their very own musical instrument


Activity 9

Peppa Pig’s Easter Egg Hunt – watch the video


Can your child

1. Name the characters in the story

2. Retell the story, what was the beginning, middle, end?

3. Draw a picture of their favourite character

4. Make some eggs from playdough and count how many they have got, can they make big, small, medium sized eggs

5. Decorate a hard boiled or blown egg with a pattern using felt tip pens, or any collage pieces you might have at home

6. Decorate an egg outline on paper

7. Take part in an egg hunt at home (you can use any objects or toys you have at home to be the eggs) – use positional language to help your child find the eggs or encourage them to describe where they found them

  Activity 10

Everybunny dance –

Watch the story together (pick first option, read along)


Can your child

1. Click on the stars and talk about the sounds, can they make the sounds themselves

2. Click on the lightbulb and see if they can answer the question or do the activity it is asking

3. Join in with the actions of the story, pretending to be a bunny

4. Make an instrument from household objects or junk modelling and join in with the story making their own instrument sounds

5. Watch the signing version of the song and learn some new signs

6. Count how many bunnies are on each page of the story

7. Draw a bunny or fox picture

8. Write about your bunny, give it a name and describe what it looks like

9. Make bunnies or a fox out of playdough



Fine motor activities – some different daily activities to work on fine motor control and finger strength which will help build up fine motor skills and help with writing.


1.Threading – use cut up toilet roll tubes, can you thread a piece of string through them, how long can you make it? How many tubes can you thread? You could also decorate the tubes as well.

2.Pegging – use clothes pegs to hang out the washing or go on a hunt around the house or garden and see which objects you are able to pick up by just using a clothes peg. No fingers allowed!

3.Scooping – use any small objects you can find around your house and collect them up. Can you use different sized spoons to scoop and transfer them from a bowel into a pot or even an ice cube tray.

4. Stickers – use any stickers you have at home, can you use them to create a picture, remember to use your finger and thumb to lift and peel them carefully

5. Sort colourful pompoms into colour groups using fine motor skills to pick them up. Also learn colours and count them.

6. Letter and number writing. Trace letters or words. Use playdough to make letter shapes or numbers. Use shaving foam to draw letters, numbers or words

7. Make an instrument: Add bells to a paper plate to make a tambourine.

8. Use ideas from the useful web site called Artful parents, kids art and craft activities.

Activity 11

Watch We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, told by Michael Rosen on youtube.

Can your child
1.  Literacy: Draw a story map to show the key points in the story.
2.  Communication/PD: Tell each other the Bear Hunt story – but, no books allowed! Add actions instead and help each other remember what comes next.
3.  Writing: Add in a new page e.g. ‘Uh oh sand, sparkly golden sand.’
4.  Maths: Play ‘We’re going on a number hunt’ by hiding numbers which are appropriate for your child.
5.  Maths: Play ‘We’re going on a shape hunt’
by hiding 2D shapes for your child. You could just hide a shape description e.g ‘I have 3 sides and 3 corners. What am I?’
6.  PSED/life skills: Nominate one person to be the bear when you play hide and seek.
7.  PSED/Life skills: Draw or write a list of 3 things which make you scared.
8.  Sensory: Set up a tray of mud, grass or water for your child to explore. Can you help them say ‘I see…’ or ‘I feel…’ sentences. E.g. ‘I see green.’ ‘I feel wet.’

Activity 12

Watch The Very Hungry Caterpillar, read by Eric Carle, on YouTube.

Can your child

1.  Maths: Practise the days of the week. There are lots of days of the week songs online.
Does your child know some days of the week?
Can your child tell you what day it is today, tomorrow and yesterday?
2.  PSED/Life Skills: Find some foods from around the kitchen. Can your child sort them into healthy and not healthy piles?
Can your child make/help you make a healthy lunch?
3.  Literacy: Can your child make wavy marks like a caterpillar? Write some sentences about caterpillars.
4.  Maths: Can your child draw the correct number of fruits for each day of the week? How many did the caterpillar eat altogether on Wednesday and Thursday? How many more did he eat on Friday than he ate on Monday. Can you write that down?
5.  Literacy: Draw and label a diagram of a caterpillar or a butterfly.
6.  UW: Find out about the lifecycle of a caterpillar.
Can your child draw and label the lifecycle of a caterpillar?
7.  UW: Take your child on a bug hunt.
Write a list of all the minibeasts you can find. Split them into categories of less than 6 legs, 6 legs, more than 6 legs.

Activity 13


1.   Maths: Find the heights of 5 volcanoes online and write them in order from the tallest to the shortest.
2.   Have a look at some non-fiction texts or go online.
Write down five fantastic volcano facts.
3.  Literacy: Write a Volcano poem.
Can you make the words at the end of each line rhyme?
You could even try to write an acrostic poem where each line begins with letters from the word ‘Volcano’.

4.  Literacy: Draw and label a picture of a volcano.
5.  EAD: Make a volcano picture.
6.  PSED/Life Skills: List five things that can make you ‘erupt’ and feel cross.
7.  UW: If you have some Bicarbonate of Soda and vinegar in your cupboards, have a go at making your own volcano.

Activity 14

Sharing a shell – watch the video on YouTube


1.  Maths match shell shapes (shell cut outs on twinkl)

2.  Creative – make a shell using items from your recycling

3.  Name the different colours of the shells

4.  Sensory/Literacy Write letter shapes or names or words from the story in rice/foam (you could colour the rice/foam in blue to link to the sea)

5.  Maths, Ordering the size of the shells

6.  PSED – Circle time game (can be done with only two people) – Pass a shell (or picture/drawing of a shell) around the circle. When someone is holding the shell, it is their turn to speak. Can you say what you liked best about the story? Pass again around the circle. Can you say how you feel when people do not share? Pass again. How do you feel when people do share?

7.  Create a small-world rock pool with a shallow tray of water, some pebbles and shells and small-world creatures.  


Activity 15

Spot goes on holiday

Watch the video together on YouTube

1. English: Write a list of things you would take on holiday

2. Life Skills. Pack a suitcase with the items you wrote on your list

3. Life skills Pack a beach bag

4. Physical: Play balloon tennis in the garden

5. Maths Find and count stones or sticks, add amounts of stones or sticks together. Take some away. Record as a sum. Group items in 2s 5s or 10s. Talk about/record sharing (division) or multiplying.

6. PSED – Make a paper sun hat for you or a teddy and talk about sun protection

7. Understanding of the World.  Look at a world map – different places to go on holiday, What is the temperature there today?

Additional activity.

Captain Tom Moore raised over £25 million this week by walking round his garden 100 times.  

How many laps of your garden (living room if you haven’t got a garden) can you walk, skip, hop, jump, run? Can you do 100 this week? 

How many big steps/small steps do you have to take to walk all the way round your garden/living room? 

It will be Captain Tom’s 100th birthday on the 30th April, can you make him a card and post it to him at, 

Captain Tom Moore

C/O Marston Moretaine Post Office, 

67 Bedford Road,

Marston Mortaine, 


MK43 0LA

Activity 16

Thomas the tank engine. Watch and join in with the nursery rhyme ‘Down at the station’ 

1.  Literacy – Make and write train tickets (where, how much, starting at?)

2. Life skills/PSED – Role play trains – ticket collector, selling tickets, packing the bags on the train, finding the correct seat

3. Literacy – Water and paintbrushes outside – paint pictures with the water (trains, people, luggage)

4. Make a train out of a shoe or cereal box.

5. Roll toy vehicles through paint and make tyre tracks on paper.

6. Maths – measure different lengths of train tracks drawn on paper. Use rulers of bricks to measure. Which is the longest/ shortest? What is the difference between two different tracks?

7. Computing – plan a visit. Look up train times from your local train station to somewhere of your choice. What time does the train leave? Which train would you catch to get back?

Activity 17


  1. Ask your child to match pairs of socks/shoes
  2. Count how many socks there are
  3. Help peg out the washing on the line or clothes horse
  4. Sort clothes e.g. mummy’s clothes, daddy’s clothes, brothers and sisters.
  5. Sort clothes and shoes into, summer and winter and talk about why and when we wear these
  6. Question whose clothes are the biggest/smallest, longest/shortest
  7. Ask your child to dress a teddy bear
  8. Ask your child to dress a teddy in a particular outfit and the child has to go and find the correct clothing items e.g. skirt or green t-shirt
  9. Write a list of the clothing you would need to do a particular activity such as going out in the snow or to play a sport such as football.

 Activity 18

Teddy Bears picnic inside or in the garden

  1. Write invitation to the toys to come to a tea party
  2. Pour own drinks
  3. Make a shopping list and then go to the kitchen and find food on the list (real or pretend food)
  4. Help prepare the food
  5. Share food between guests
  6. Set the table
  7. Talk to the teddy bears and pretend to feed them food and drink
  8. Help wash up dishes

 Activity 19

Make your own play dough-  

8 tbsp plain flour

2 tbsp table salt

60ml warm water

food colouring  

tbsp vegetable oil


Add flour, salt, oil and a few drops of food colouring into a bowl and add water while kneading the mixture until the consistency is that of play dough.

 Your child could be supported to follow recipe

  1. Count out how many tbsp are needed
  2. Help mix
  3. Choose colour
  4. Mix different colours together to see what happens

 Once playdough is made:

 Use toy cars to make tracks in it

  1. Use animals to make foot prints
  2. Practice scissors skills and cut the play dough
  3. Let your child explore and see what they come up with!

 Activity 20

Task 1: Watch “Jez Alborough’s Washing Line” on youtube


  1. Get your child’s fine motor skills going by getting them to place pegs in 2’s along an old margarine tub.
  2. Get your child to help hang out your washing. 
  3. Find similar items that are in the story and see if your child can dress up a cuddly toy in them – great life skills to practise getting dressed.
  4. Get your child to draw or colour in different items of clothing. Cut them out and make your own washing line
  5. Using adjectives such as ‘spotty’ ‘tiny’, ask your child to describe each item of clothing in the book.
  6. Think of 4 different animals – what clothes would they wear and why?
  7.  Let your child help to sort your washing – either into family member’s piles or into piles of t-shirts, socks, pants etc. How many items are in each pile?
  8. Show your child how to load and unload your washing machine 
  9. Sort a pile of your clothing from biggest to smallest.

If appropriate talk, about which is ‘bigger than’ and ‘smaller than’ modelling comparative language.

Activity 21

Make a menu for your family for the day

  1. Using food magazines, photos, takeaway leaflets or printed picture of food, cut out some food pictures that you fancy eating and make a poster of your favourite foods.
  2. Ask different members of your family what they like to eat, write or draw their answers.
  3. Find 3 different fruits or vegetables – make a tally chart and ask everyone in your house if they like/dislike the fruit/veg. count up all the likes and dislikes.
  4. Using toy food (or real food if you haven’t got toy food) make a meal for your toys.
  5. Lay the table for dinner for your family – don’t forget cups, water jug, cutlery, plates/bowls, salt and pepper shakers and maybe add napkins and write some place names for each person?
  6. Help to look at some recipes and choose one to make with your grown up for a meal. 
  7. When helping to make a meal can you weigh the ingredients? Can you mix, grate, cut, spread ingredients safely?
  8. Sort some food items into sweet, savoury, spicy or sort into healthy/unhealthy piles. Make a poster to show which category they are in.
  9. Think about what you eat for breakfast – research what people typically eat for breakfast in different countries.

Activity 22

Rainbow hunt

  1. Lots of families have been drawing rainbows and sticking them in their windows. Draw/paint/colour/collage a rainbow and stick it up in your window.
  2. Go on a walk with your family. How many rainbows can you see on your walk in people’s houses? Make a chart of how many you see. Go on a different walk the next day and compare how many you counted on this walk – is it more or less than the previous walk?
  3. What weather do we need to make a rainbow? Watch a weather forecast for today and look out of your window – is the forecast accurate? Can you draw and label some of the weather symbols?
  4. Write a poem about your favourite weather or draw a picture of your favourite weather.
  5. Think about these weathers – sunny, snowing, raining. Can you go around your house and find all the correct clothing required for the weathers eg wellies, sun hat, gloves, scarf etc. Dress up in the correct clothing for each weather and take a picture of yourself.
  6. Have a race with a sibling or parent – lay out all the different weather clothing you found. Who can be the first to get every item on themselves and look the silliest? 
  7. Find some chalk – can you draw a rainbow on a wall or on the floor in your outside space? What happens to it when it rains?
  8. Using different fruits or vegetables (or sweeties!) can you make a rainbow out of food?
  9. Get a packet of skittles – place them on a white plate. Pour some hot water on them – what happens? 
  10. Fill some glass jars with water and add food colouring. Place a white flower or stick of celery in each jar. Over next few days watch and observe what happens as the celery or flowers absorb the water. Do they change colour? Which colours work best? Record your observations.
  11. Pick 3 different colours from the rainbow. Go on a treasure hunt around your house looking for items in those colours. How many can you find? Which colour do you have the most of?
  12. Make a rainbow “sand box tray”. Collect sheets of paper the different colours of the rainbow (or colour white paper the correct colour). Using a large tray tape down the paper in stripes of rainbow colour. Add some salt or sand on top. Draw shapes, letters, numbers, zig zags in the sand/salt and spot the colours underneath.
  13. Follow these instructions to have some sensory play with rainbow jelly –


Activity 23

 ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’ by Giles Andreae and Guy Parker-Rees

Watch animated version of the story.

  1. Create a giraffe using junk modelling/pipe cleaners/collage/playdough
  2. Have a jungle dance (use some songs from Madagascar or the Lion King!). Can you move like a giraffe and some of the other animals in the story?
  3. Can you find the rhyming words in the story? Write down some rhyming strings
  4. Make your own drum using a yoghurt pot and a balloon – look at CBeebies ‘Maddie’s Do You Know?’ at for instructions
  5. What shapes can you see on the giraffe’s skin? Make some repeating patterns using different shapes
  6. Create a dancing giraffe using split pins to attach the legs
  7. Watch real giraffes and how they move at

Activity 24

‘No-bot, the robot with no bottom’ by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet

Watch the story read aloud at

  1. Can you remember all the uses for No-bot’s bottom?  Think of some other uses and draw pictures showing your ideas
  2. Make some cloud dough with a grown-up: 1 cup cornflour, ½ cup conditioner, teaspoon of food colouring kneaded together. Can you make some sandcastles like the ones in the story? Can you make a bird’s nest or a boat for some of No-bot’s friends?
  3. Find some different sized empty containers and find out which holds the most and least liquid or sand
  4. Draw a map of the town for No-bot to use to get from his house to the park. Write some instructions for how to get there
  5. Create a model robot like No-bot using recycling
  6. Watch a real robot at work playing a marimba alongside human musicians at Try some robot dancing and some other moves to the music!
  7. Design a new look for No-bot by colouring him in your own design using the colouring sheet at
  8. Do you have any robot books at home? Have a look at them and decide which is your favourite story.

Activity 25

 ‘Sam Plants a Sunflower’ by Kate Petty and Axel Scheffler

Watch the story being read aloud at and see how the grown-ups have planted their sunflower seeds!

  1. Try some planting of your own. If you don’t have any sunflower seeds, plant some other flowers or fruits/vegetables. Think about what the plant will need to grow and draw your ideas
  2. Create a sunflower picture using paint or collage. Can you stick real seeds in the middle of your flower?
  3. How tall will your sunflower grow? Will it be taller than you? Ask an adult to draw round your body or draw around an adult and use a tape measure to measure how tall you are! Or use lego bricks to measure how tall you are instead
  4. Find some flowers in your garden and count how many petals you can see. If there are leaves count these too
  5. Go on a minibeast hunt and draw all the different minibeasts you can find in your garden
  6. Decorate some biscuits to look like flowers. You could use raisins as the seeds in the middle of the flower and coloured icing to make petals
  7. Listen to ‘Waltz of the Flowers’ by Tchaikovsky and dance like a flower growing and moving in the wind.

Activity 26

Listen to the story ‘Whatever Next!’

 Make a space rocket from junk modelling

  1. Draw a picture of a space rocket. You can also label it.
  2. Find some things to use as a rocket, a helmet and space boots to dress up as Baby Bear and act out the story.
  3. Write a list or draw pictures of things that you might want to bring on a trip into space.
  4. Write a postcard from space.
  5. Research the planets.
  6. Draw pictures of the different planets.
  7. Sing ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ or another space themed song that you know.
  8. Draw or paint a picture of the moon and stars.
  9. Have a picnic with some teddies.
  10. Draw and cut out some stars. Count them, make 2 groups the same, make groups with more or less.
  11. Pretend to go for a walk on the moon. How do you move around?

 Activity 27

‘Kitchen Disco’

1.    Draw and colour in or paint pictures of different fruits.

2.    Write a list of fruits.

3.    Write down words or sentences to describe the look, feel or taste of different fruits (eg. Rough, smooth, juicy)

4.    Make some different shaped fruits out of playdough.

5.    Make fruit stick puppets and act out the story.

6.    Role play buying some fruit. How much does each one cost? How much do they cost altogether?

7.    Count fruits.

8.    Weigh some fruits or talk about which ones are heavier or lighter. Or measure them and see which ones are longer or shorter.

9.    Practise cutting fruit to make a fruit salad or fruit kebab.

10. Make a musical instrument for a kitchen disco from junk modelling, for example a shaker or a drum.

11. Put on your favourite song and dance in your own kitchen disco.

Activity 28

Watch animation of: Room on the Broom

Can your child:

  1. Listen and find  3 sets of rhyming words e.g: hat and cat
  2. Draw yourself on a Witches broom flying through the air
  3. Design your own broom – what animals would you have on yours?
  4. Find and take a picture of an animal that appeared on the broom – 100 extra points if you find a dragon!
  5. Write a list of ingredients for your own magic potion
  6. Write a speech bubble with a spell inside, then draw a picture of what your spell would create.
  7. Choose a creature from the story and make it using salt dough or play dough
  8. Count the highest number of creatures on the broom at once
  9. Count the highest number of eyes on the broom at once

12. Write a number sentence for your adult to complete – how many legs are on the broom at once.

13. If the answer is 62 on the broom – what could the question be?

Activity 29

Brian the Smelly Bear –


1. Look at the pictures of Brian the smelly bear, see if you can find a similar teddy bear from around the house and write a list of describing words to describe Brian or your teddy.  See if you can put these words into a sentence.

2. Find as many teddy bears as you can from around the house and then count how many you have all together.

3. Find a toy that is able to be washed and see if you can wash them all nice and clean so any smell has gone.

4. Write a list of all the things needed to wash yourself and your bear nice and clean.

5. Write or follow a set of instructions to wash your bear.

6. How do you think Brian would feel if he knew all his friends thought he was smelly and not very nice? Happy or sad?

7. Can you draw or make your own Brian the Bear and Bath?


 Activity 30 

Making Foodscapes

Research different foodscapes. These are scenes created on a surface such as a kitchen table using food stuffs. An example is models of sheep in a field made from cauliflower or broccoli.

Information about Foodscapes and more examples can be found at:-

  • Can your child:
  1. Count how many different food types you have used
  2. Identify the different colours you have used
  3. Use describing words such as crispy, soggy, soft, crunchy to talk about their Foodscape
  4. Talk about the different flavours (hot, cold, juicy, spicy, sweet) of food they have chosen for their foodscape
  5. Write a caption for the Foodscape
  6. Talk about their favourite foods
  7. Do a survey with the rest of the people in your house. What is their favourite food out of a choice of a few foods. Record their answers as a tally chart.
  8. Child to take their own photo of the Foodscape

Activity 31

Science – light.

Can you:

1. Explore your house and find as many sources of light as you can. Can you count them all? Can you make a list of them?

2. Put a small toy on a piece of paper in a place where the is some sunlight. This could be in a window or your garden. On the paper draw around your toy’s shadow at different times of the day. What do you notice?

3.  Make a shadow puppets using toy animals or dolls and a torch. Use them to tell a story.

4. Draw a picture of a source of light you have at home and label the parts to show how it works.

5. Make a list of natural light sources (eg the sun, stars) and man-made light sources.

6. Explore how you can change shadows. Can you make them bigger and smaller? Can you make different shaped shadows?

7. Shadows can be used to tell the time. Find out how people from the past used to do this.

Activity 32

 Maths ‘Pattern’

1. Make a repeating pattern with coloured blocks or other objects. Draw a pattern using shapes. Make a pattern using letters. Take a photo.

2. Read a poem or rhyming book. Can you hear the pattern in the words?

3. Look for patterns around the house or in the garden. Can you copy any of them?

4.  Find patterns on hard surfaces. Cover them with a piece of paper and rub gently on the paper with a pencil or wax crayon. Can you collect lots of different patterns like this?

5. Make a pattern using sounds. Tap, clap, sing or use noisy toys to make your own music!

6. Print a pattern using paint using an object to repeat the pattern.   

Activity 33

Watch ‘Handa’s Suprise by Eileen Browne’

1. Draw and write about your favourite animal.

2. Draw and write about your favourite fruit.

3. Re-write the story of Handa’s Surprise in your own words or pictures.

4. Weigh some fruits. Which is lightest? Which is heaviest?

5. Measure some fruits.

6. Make a fruit salad.

7. Taste different fruits and think of words to describe them to someone who has never tasted them before.

8. Handa’s Surprise is set in Africa. Find out where Africa is on a map and research what it is like there.

9. Find out about any other animals that live in Africa.

Activity 34

Watch an episode of Big Cook Little Cook.

  1. Talk about what is your child’s favourite food and drink.
  2. Draw their favourite food.
  3. Talk about size big and small, can they identify which cook is big and which is small.
  4. See if your child can name the utensils and ingredients being used.
  5. Can you and your child write a recipe?
  6. Can you make some food following your recipe?
  7. Count the ingredients needed for your recipe and see if you can write the number.
  8. Can you sort your ingredients into groups of big and small?
  9. Look at which ingredients are light and heavy.

Activity 35

Go on to BBC Nursery Rhymes and listen to the song ‘Five Little Monkeys Swinging from a Tree’

Can you:

  1. Count the monkeys in the song.
  2. Practice writing numbers 1-5 and matching them to the quantity. Or practice writing numbers that are a multiple of 5 to 100.
  3. Add and subtract 1 from the monkeys swinging on the tree or 1 from any number to 100 or 1,000
  4. Sing along and clap when the crocodile goes snap.
  5. Find out some facts about crocodiles and write some down,
  6. Pretend to be a monkey and move like one.
  7. Draw 5 monkeys in a tree.
  8. Play a game of hide and seek or tag.
  9. Make marks zig zags, mmm, shapes etc.

Activity 36

A Day in with Teddy

  1. Build a den for Teddy. You could use pillows and blankets.
  2. Build an obstacle course for Teddy. Give or write Teddy instructions on how to get across e.g. Start behind the sofa, climb up the back of the sofa and sit on top of it. Bounce on the cushion and crawl under the chair.
  3. Draw a picture of Teddy. What colours have you used?
  4. Label the drawing of teddy thinking about his different parts. ‘
  5. Measure how tall Teddy is. Find a toy that is shorter than Teddy and a toy that is taller. What is the difference between the two teddies?
  6. Write some writing patterns, words or sentences to describe Teddy e.g. soft, fluffy, cuddly.
  7. Make a paper crown for you and one for Teddy. How will you measure what size to make the crown? Tape measure? String? A strip of paper?
  8. Sit beside a window with Teddy and look out at the clouds. Can you see any shapes? Do the clouds look like an animal or a toy? Take a photo of the clouds or draw them.
  9. Look up on the internet about the different types of clouds. Make a ‘Cloud facts’ book.
  10. Read a story to Teddy.

Activity 37

Sorting a Collection

  1. Find a group of objects to make a collection. They could be natural objects such as stones or leaves, or objects such as toys or buttons or even the recycling.
  2. How many ways can you find to sort the objects in your collection? By size? By colour? By the material they’re made from?
  3. Arrange the objects from the smallest to the largest.
  4. Count how many objects there are in your collection. Write the number in digits and in words.
  5. What materials are the objects in your collection made from? Wood? Metal? Plastic?
  6. Choose one of your objects. Write some words to describe it.
  7. Find a way to use one of your objects that isn’t its normal use e.g. use a button as a counter in a game.

General Scavenger hunts

a) Indoor Scavenger Hunt

  • Find a fork
  • Find something that is red
  • Find a tissue box
  • Find three things that have wheels
  • Find an orange pen or crayon
  • Find something that is very soft
  • Find an elastic band
  • Find a key
  • Find 2 socks that match
  • Find something round
  • Find a sticker or a stamp
  • Find a pair of glasses or sun glasses
  • Find an envelope
  • Find a hatb)  Inventor Scavenger Hunt
  • Find something that you can put together
  • Find something that is bumpy
  • Find something that you can turn
  • Find something that is metal
  • Find three things that are round
  • Find something that you can twist
  • Find something that is shiny
  • Find something that you can roll
  • Find a tube
  • Find three things that you can squash
  • Find something you can see through
  • Find something that can bouncec)  Rainbow Scavenger Hunt  
  • Find something that is yellow
  • Find something that is red
  • Find something that is pink
  • Find something that is blue
  • Find something that is orange
  • Find something that is purple
  • Find something that is green
  • Name/find a fruit that is red
  • Name an animal that is yellow
  • Name/find a vegetable that is orange
  • Name/find a plant that is green
  • Name/find a flower that is purple or blue
  • Point to something that is blue outsided)  Book Scavenger Hunt
  • Find an animal in a book
  • Find the letter shape ‘S’ in a book or the word ‘Spring’
  • Find a picture of someone helping someone else in a book
  • Find a bug in a book
  • Find a picture of the sun in a book
  • Find a pet in a book
  • Find a picture of someone eating in a book
  • Find a picture of someone sleeping in a book
  • Find a superhero in a book
  • Find a speech bubble in a book
  • Find a car or bike or bus in a booke)  Maths scavenger hunt
  • Find 2 pencils and 1 crayon – how many things do you have now?
  • Find 5 (lego or stickle) bricks and 2 pennies – how many things do you have now? Take away 3 bricks – How many things are left?
  • Find 4 socks and 2 stuffed animals  – how many things do you have now?
  • Find 4 sweets or crackers. Eat 2 of them – how many do you have left?
  • Find 3 spoons, 4 pencils and 2 books – How many altogether?f)  Senses Scavenger Hunt
  • Find something that smells sweet
  • Find something that makes a crunching sound
  • Find something that is heavy
  • Find something that is light in weight
  • Find something that is loud
  • Find something that is smooth
  • Find something that is scratchy or bumpy
  • Find something that is long
  • Find something that is soft
  • Find something that looks sparkly
  • Find something that is quiet
  • Find something that tastes sharpg)  Outside Scavenger hunt
  • Find 2 sticks
  • Find 3 different leaves
  • Find something that is yellow
  • Find 3 different coloured rocks
  • Point to a bird
  • Find a bug
  • Find a plant that is green
  • Find something that is round
  • Point to or name something that is in the sky
  • Find something that smells good

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