Coffee Mornings

At Woolgrove School we understand that being a parent and/or carer comes with some hurdles that are not easy to jump. Sometimes the solutions to certain challenges are not easily found and, as parents or carers, you may need a bit of extra support. We have been holding Coffee Mornings for many years and we find that they offer a great opportunity to pick up some new skills and also meet other families.

Our Coffee Mornings are usually scheduled Half Termly and are always completely free to attend.

We offer a broad range of topics that are aimed solely on what parents/carers may be looking for and we include either inhouse staff with specific specialities or we invite external professionals to join us. If you have a specific idea for a topic please feel free to contact Anne Linnell at

If you would like to join us a form will be sent home prior to the event with a reply slip to send in or you are free to just turn up at the specified time. A list of upcoming Coffee Mornings can be found below.

Information and Reply Forms


Feedback from Previous Coffee Mornings

I found the coffee morning very informative and will pass comments to my daughter, and chatting to other parents / grandparents, it helped me with understanding problems.  Thank you for holding this coffee morning.

It is really good to have these coffee mornings. They have been a life saver in terms of venting, sharing ideas, and supporting each other. I would love to keep up with these and get more services in; I will collate all the SEN Sessions locally.

Really good to have these! I would love to have sessions / speakers on certain topics, toileting, behaviour, communication etc.