Live, Laugh, Learn Award

We Are Currently Reviewing Our Live, Laugh, Learn Award for 2024. Please Check Back Here Regularly for More Information.

Welcome to the Live Laugh Learn award home page! Here you can find out more about the award and how to apply!

The Live Laugh Learn Award is designed by Woolgrove staff to promote the development of skills and knowledge of our pupils and to celebrate pupil achievement at home and school. The award supports  the development of “pupil character” in line with the DFE’s “Character Education: Framework Guidance” Nov 2019

Click Here to find out about the DFE Character Education Framework Guidance!


Summer 2023

Spring 2023

Autumn 2022


What is the award?
How does it work?
What pathway is my child in?
Where can I find the award criteria?
What if I/My child finds it difficult to complete the activities?

 Our award is designed by Woolgrove staff to promote the development of skills and knowledge of our pupils. The award promotes and supports the development of “pupil character” through activities and experiences at home and school. The award links with our school Life Skills curriculum, PSED curriculum and the DFE Character Education Framework 2019

The award is designed to work across the school academic year. In the autumn term the focus is LIVE – encouraging pupils to look after themselves and develop healthy routines. In the spring term, the focus is LAUGH – developing positive friendships, self esteem and helping others at home and in the community. In the summer term, the focus is LAUGH – trying new things, being creative or learning a new skill. There are award criteria for each of our school learning pathways: EYFS/Semi Formal 1, Semi Formal 2 and Formal. Each pathway has 15 activities/experiences for live, laugh and learn – making a total of 45 exciting things to do!


Class Pathways for 2022-2023




Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, Purple

Semi Formal 1

Triangle, Cone

Semi Formal 2

Sphere, Cube


Star, Hexagon, Pyramid

The award criteria can be found and downloaded from the live, laugh, learn page on our school website.

Please do not worry if you/your child find it hard to access/complete the activities. Lot's of the activities are based on things which you may already be doing at home e.g. tidying the bedroom! As part of our school curriculum, staff will also be working on providing similar opportunities in school which can also be used as evidence towards the award.  

How does my child evidence the award?
How does my child gain the award?
It’s not a rush!
What do I do next?
More Questions?

Evidence for the award can be gathered from lots of different places! In school - from activities linked with our curriculum. At home - from visits, trips and activities that you do with your children. You can collect photos, pictures, certificates or tell us what your child has done in an email!

You can send evidence to school in your child’s book bag or email us at:

Complete 5 activities from all 3 sections (live, laugh and learn) to gain: BRONZE award

Complete 10 activities from all 3 sections (live, laugh and learn) to gain: SILVER award

Complete 15 activities from all 3 sections (live, laugh and learn) to gain: GOLD award

  • The award is designed for pupils, parents and teachers to work through SLOWLY across the school academic year!
  • We want our pupils to be safe, happy and confident in all that they do. A range of evidence is therefore required for each category to ensure that pupils are secure in their skills and knowledge.
  • The award is overseen, monitored and awarded by Woolgrove Senior Leadership team.
  • Download or print off the award criteria for your child’s pathway
  • Start collecting evidence for each award criteria!
  • Submit your evidence for live, laugh, learn during the evidence submission dates in the autumn, spring and summer terms.
  • We shall send reminders, the award criteria and submission dates to all parents.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact us by emailing: